How to Set Up an Effective Trade Show Booth Display

How to Set Up an Effective Trade Show Booth Display

trade show booth setup

Trade shows provide an invaluable opportunity to connect with prospective customers in-person. In our increasingly digital world, the traditional trade show stands out for its ability to let you communicate with and learn from your customer base in a way no algorithm can match. But it's essential to make your trade show booth display stand out from the crowd.

Printmoz offers a number of banners and signage options to help you communicate your message quickly in a meaningful fashion. That speed matters. Studies repeatedly show that you have just 3-5 seconds to:

  • Catch a bypasser’s attention
  • Communicate your message, and
  • Cause them to pause — just long enough for one of your staff to connect with them.

Your trade show display must be powerful, clear, and engaging. The good news is that you don’t have to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars in a custom-built trade show display booth. Small businesses can benefit tremendously from participating in trade shows if they plan and invest wisely. Let’s take a look at our top trade show display ideas for making your participation a success!

Trade Show Display Booth Essentials

trade show booth example

At all stages of planning and executing your trade show display, it is essential to both stay on brand and to go beyond your brand. Every facet of your booth, signage, and message must be consistent, but also consider the overall experience you provide from the viewpoint of those visiting your booth. Stopping by your custom trade show display should give visitors more information or a better experience than just going on your website.

Keep this in mind as you plan the event and set your goals, while preparing your staff, attracting and following up with the leads you develop.

Set Trade Show Display Goals

target audience goal setting

Before designing the killer banners and signs Printmoz can create for your trade show display, set your goals for the event and identify your target audience. Be both detailed and realistic. This will help you zero in on the best ways to invest in the event.

A great strategy to make your pop up trade show displays a success is to make it a popular destination. You can achieve this by offering things that many attendees are all looking for, like comfortable seating, complimentary bottled water, etc. But take care to keep your goals and target audience in mind here. The accommodations that will attract parents with young children will not help you if you’re trying to attract auto repair garage owners.

Trade Show Display Booth Staffing

trade show staff
The best trade show booth display will flop if you don’t have motivated, outgoing staff who will work hard and make a great impression — fast. You need people knowledgeable in your business and goals but who also will welcome guests warmly, answer questions cheerfully, set up displays, run the cash register, straighten and re-straighten the booth, and do all this with a great attitude.

This is a challenging and essential role that must be played well to make your trade show display a success. If you don’t have enough of the right mix among your team members, consider hiring temporary trade show staff to supplement your employees.

Go Bold with Attractions

What will make your trade show display stand out from all the rest? Consider a broad range of attractions:

  • Make a new product launch
  • Create a social media minded step and repeat banner for selfies that features your logo
  • Offer comfort giveaways like bottled water, snacks, branded visors, and branded carry bags
  • Schedule guests speakers to highlight the unique values of your business, product, or service
  • Offer raffles with fun prizes with tickets given in exchange for contact information
  • Make creative use of the space above your trade show booth display, so that it can be seen from aisles away.
  • Provide fun activities that will appeal to your target audience

Plan to Win the After-Action

While different companies have different target audiences, goals, and approaches, all share a need to make connections and develop leads. When planning your custom trade show display, remember the importance of both developing leads and following them up after the event.

Rather than having people hand scrawl their contact information, much of which will prove illegible, make other plans. For example, hand-held scanners for visitor badges make it quick and easy to scan attendees’ names and contact information. Or use tablets or other electronic devices (tethered to the tables) for people to type in their information so you can read it. This also allows your booth staff to add information about specific visitors they want to follow up with.

Pop Up & Portable Trade Show Display Banner Options

Now that you have the broad brush strokes for making your trade show display a success let’s look at specific options Printmoz offers for making it a reality:
roll up banner stand
Roll-Up Banners - Roll-up banners are ideal for trade show booth displays. They make a bold, visual statement, come with their own support stand and have a minimal footprint.
retractable banner stand
Retractable Banners - Retractable banners and retractable banner stands were created with trade shows in mind. Easily portable, with the vertical banner protected inside the display stand, these are an excellent option for pop up displays for trade shows.
step and repeat banner stand
Step and Repeat Banners - Create an attraction, boost your social media presence, and elevate your branding with an attractive step and repeat banner to encourage selfies. Get creative with the design.

In addition to your logo, consider including an element that will get it shared more on social media. For example, imagine a pest control company added the image of a dinosaur bursting through the banner. It makes a statement that they are up for any job while attracting more attention from trade show attendees and on social media!
sail flag banners
Rectangle Flags - As they say, “Go big or go home.” Rectangle flags soar above your trade show display and your competitors’. Choose from 13, 17, and 23-foot tall flags to capture all eyes and focus them on your booth.
cardstock invitations
Cardstock Handouts - Print up the handouts you plan to offer in an attractive design on cardstock. This tells the attendees it’s important and should be saved. Also, consider sending postcards to the most valuable leads you develop. Take a great photo of your custom trade show display for the front of the postcard to remind them where they met you.

Printmoz: Your Partner in Trade Show Booth Displays

Always remember that the success of your trade show displays depends more upon your planning, creativity, and staffing than it does on the money you spend! Once you have determined your specific goals and decided upon the message, attractions, and giveaways you intend to use, you’re ready to execute your plans.

Printmoz will help you to develop and produce the signage to communicate your vision! We’re your one-stop shop for creating a custom trade show display. So, jump right in and select, design, and order your banners online. Feel free to contact us with any questions at (877) 287-0059. We look forward to helping you to create a booth display that stops traffic!

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    Custom printed Step and Repeat Banner